I have been helping people improve their health with naturopathic medicine and acupuncture in Olympia since 2005.
As a child, my German mother and grandmother introduced me to eating healthy and using herbs to treat illness. I spent summers helping my grandmother work in her lush vegetable garden. We would also gather wild herbs for making medicinal oils, teas, and baths.
In college, I became increasingly interested in many different healing systems, including Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I was also exposed to acupuncture for the first time and after several treatments, I decided to study Chinese Medicine.
At Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington, I studied acupuncture and naturopathic medicine. During my years at Bastyr, I visited alternative medicine centers in Germany and Austria, where I had the opportunity to see medicine being practiced in the countries where naturopathic medicine originated. Upon graduating in 2004, I continued my studies of acupuncture in Beijing, China.
I see naturopathic medicine and acupuncture as helpful adjuncts to any illness, no matter how serious. I offer natural solutions for a wide variety of health issues for people of all ages. Diet therapy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrient supplementation, homeopathy and detoxification are mainstays in my recommended treatments.
The mind/body relationship is an important component in the path of healing. I encourage patients to adopt lifestyle habits that support a healthy mind and body, but I do so with a good measure of patience because I understand how difficult those changes can be.
That said, as the physician I can only provide a framework and support system for healing. Patients who embrace their personal responsibility for healthy living experience the best outcomes. If you are willing to change, I can help you.